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Sunday, 16 January 2011

i haven't updated in ages because nothing's been happening. i keep setting aside time to revise for my exams i've got coming up and then just sitting watching films the whole time instead. here are some recents from my blackberry, i haven't even used my film camera yet and i've had it nearly two weeks. only two weeks until exams are over, thank god.
me and hayley went up to brick lane. she got a smiths vinyl and a pizza hut ring. i got some lunch.
it's pretty much haunting me. the only vinyl i'd spend upwards of £20 on (i'm cheap)
dinner and a movie with barney. we saw chatroom, which was amazing.
dani making friends with people on buses. 
spending an hour sitting on my own reading an amazing newspaper (beatjuice.com) because hayley's always late.
and to top off my boring start to 2011, the hairdresser cut all my hair off. it's actually shorter in real life, it used to be nearly down to where the collar ends. and all the ombre's gone.


  1. Your hair really suits your face shape, its lovely! Just think hair always grows so at least its healthy if you fancy growing it any longer!

    Lovely photo's... wish you had a following link!

    Katie. x

  2. you hair looks lovely and it's still really long so I'm sure you could ombre it again! hope your exams are alright =)

    Hannah xx

  3. hold on!!! are you actually wearing a PIZZA HUT RING!!!????

    Hahaha how cool is that? I literally think that is possibly the most coolest thing I have ever seen on the blogasphere world hahahah x

  4. love that pizza hut ring, so cool!

    im having an Alexander Wang esque studded bag giveaway that ends soon if you want to check it out hon xx
