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Thursday, 15 March 2012

florence @ bournemouth BIC

i love florence and the machine, i've loved her since 2008 and it's the kind of love that NEVER DIES. i managed to buy tickets to two of her UK shows this month (sorry, overdraft) and both were obviously incredible. these photos are from bournemouth BIC, but i also her at alexandra palace in london. London was infinitely better (better crowd/setlist/atmosphere/venue) but i didn't manage to get a single photo. considering we were NOT close (too old to be queueing for the barrier now) i'm chuffed with how these came out


  1. My sisters at one of her northern shows as we speak! <3


  2. I have the same love for her!!! Florence is amazing!! I seriously wanted to go to this show but couldn't! Ahh she is so beautiful! xox

  3. i always loved when live music photos come out a little "blurry" - i think it's really showing the moment and that the room is alive. so these work really well and are quite stunning. : ) she's such a talent.
