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Thursday, 6 October 2011

canon eos 300

me and jordan were approached by a randomer in boots, by the photo counter, who offered us some film cameras for cheaps (not as creepy as it sounds) and we managed to acquire a canon eos 300, an olympus mju zoom105 and a minolta something or other, all for about £20? as well as a huuuge zoom, another camera body and a flash. SO GOOD.

this is the first roll of film from the canon, we just took a couple photos on the journey to bournemouth, and some on the beach and around the area. i'm really pleased with how they came out, SO excited to try out some double exposure and stuff with it


  1. The photo of the beach just look amazing!
    I'm not from the UK, but 20 pounds for all those cameras is just too cheap.

  2. that last picture has ridiculous quality

    sigh i do miss summer
