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Saturday, 10 March 2012

me and jordan took a trip to the beach last weekend, when the weather looked like it was going to be sunny (it wasn't). i took my new camera out and took some really lovely photos, but when i got them developed they were ALL disastrously out of focus (like the beach huts one) which was probably because the camera doesn't have a focus ring?? makes no sense! so now i'm on the look out for another wind-up film camera, i'm bored of point-and-shoot.

this weekend i'm in luton with jordan, and we saw florence last night in london. it's the first time i've left bournemouth in SEVEN WEEKS. we're gonna spend the rest of the weekend ordering chinese, watching take me out and lying in bed. i'm returning to my favourite place ever (wimbledon) next week, and i'm literally counting down the hours.


  1. I love your photos. I have so many films on the go that I never seem to finish them and get them developed. I'm going to have to sort that out!

    Laila x

  2. I'd love to live by a beach, your so lucky :)


  3. your eyes peeking through your bangs is so beautiful! love this series!
