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Tuesday, 28 December 2010

cheltenham - blackberry edition.

i just got back from a couple of days in chelteham, where my grandparents live. it wasn't great. cheltenhams very pretty, and their house is huge, but there's not a lot of heating, and nothing to do. i left my SLR at home, so i had to make do with my blackberry for three days (the 2 megapixel camera makes me want to die)

tricky journey there, lots of snow and not enough room in the car. me and my brothers are all 5ft5 and over so there was NO leg room.
spent two hours sitting on my own listening to my iPod while the fam played in the snow, sat by the aga all day to keep warm.
i don't much like the countryside. the hill on the driveway was an icy deathtrap and the house smelt like cakes and cigars which was weird.
and then the drive back was really foggy. i've got a phobia of fog. yeah, great weekend.

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