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Saturday, 19 February 2011

paris part 1

i went to paris last week for a college trip with my art class. i'm not even really that into art and sculpture, but we visited some kind of amazing museums and galleries, and it was just really really good.
almost all of my photos are on my film camera, and the disposables that i filled almost instantly, so i've got a bit of a wait until i can afford to get them all developed, but in the meantime here are some SLR shots i took, i got about 400 digital shots but they're all boring, arty, 'i love architecture' type photos that are super boring.
ps - the entire highlight of the trip was the fact that ice tea is available EVERYWHERE.


  1. cannot WAIT to see your disposable shots! guhhh I miss Paris! xx

  2. come to america! iced tea is made fresh everyday in my house. could not live without it. xxxx

  3. i love paris so much. i am going there for my birthday. the photos you took looks lovely.
