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Tuesday, 19 July 2011


latitude was so good! it was just me and jordan, and we had the best time ever. 
the journey there took five hours, and i took one of those MASSIVE travellers backpacks (the ones that are about half the height of an average human) and i think i broke my back in about four places just walking to the campsite. 
the first day was really sunny, and we didn't particularly want to see anyone until the evening, so we just wandered round the campsite and explored a bit. it's so lovely there, it's all forest and there are hidden bits everywhere you go, arts tents, libraries in the forest, and so many little places to sit around and people-watch, it was fab. then that night we saw the vaccines and bombay bicycle club, who were both brilliant. we also saw david o'doherty at the comedy tent during the day, and he was hilarious. probably the funniest set we saw all weekend.
then on day two it poured with rain. we walked through the torrential downpour at 11.30am to see never mind the buzzcocks do a live show in the comedy tent, which was hilarious. paloma faith was one of the guests, she isn't hilarious at all. then we spent most of the afternoon hiding from the rain in the tent, before seeing the cribs (in the sun! amazing) and foals that night. i think foals were my highlight, i kinda knew they would be, but they were just amazing.
and on the last day, we decided to get our faces painted and sat around in the comedy tent for ages waiting for alan carr. it was entirely worth seeing some very un-funny people, because he was hilarious. more festivals should have comedy tents, we spent quite a lot of time in it and it was brilliant. then we went and saw lykke li, crystal fighters, and finally james blake for a bit before going to bed. 
latitude was so chilled and pretty and lovely, so much more than i expected. i'm definitely definitely going again next year. we didn't see any of the headliners (paolo nutini? really?) but it was so worth it for the smaller stages and the atmosphere. i hope bestival's just as fab.


  1. those are incredible, rosie.
    well, i have followers on blogspot but i don't know how they did it. anyways, you can follow me on bloglovin!

  2. Love these photos. Festivals are the best, aren't they? Foals were my highlight at Wireless too, such a beautiful set. Sally x

  3. these photos are absolutely beautiful.
    glad you had fun, festivals always look great, but i've never been sadly

  4. I love your photos, awesome photography! x
