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Sunday, 12 August 2012

Last weekend, Jordan hosted and DJed at Wedding Crashers, a club night in Luton. It was so much fun, I didn't have much to do with the organising, but we bought all the decorations and food and set-up beforehand, and then had the run of the DJ booth for the last few hours. The idea behind the night is that everybody came dressed for a wedding (which, for the most part, they did) and the music was all super-cheesy wedding music.

Edge is only a small nightclub, but it was packed for the whole night, and Jordan's playlist went down a treat. I spent most of the night helping with the DJing and handing out free champagne, but weirdly I found it more fun that actually going as a punter. Also, we were given free drinks all night and I could take my heels off behind the DJ booth, so I can't complain.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty cool! Looks so fun. And I would like to know where I could purchase one of those blowup saxaphones here in the states..
